How to setup Idena mining Node in local network [Windows 10]


If you have an old computer or a server in your house, you can use it as a host for all the family idena nodes. At least that is what I do. This article is a step-by-step guide on how to set things up.

Things to do on the computer where nodes will be hosted

  1. Download idena client with built-in node and install it
  2. Open Client, from the left pane, choose Settings, select Node tab, and then turn off Run built-in-node

  3. Open command prompt by entering cmd in the search box

  4. Enter command ipconfig to list IP configuration of the computer and write down the private IP address of your computer. It will be labeled as IPv4 Address

    Depending on the connection type, title of the section will be Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi if your computer is using WiFi connection, or Ethernet adapter Ethernet if it is using a LAN cable connection.
  5. Open folder where your node is installed. It is located in C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\Idena\Node (Just replace [USER] with a username of logged in Windows user)
  6. Copy the text below, replace [ip address] with the IP address from step 4 and save it to a file named "run.bat" in the Node folder
  7. @echo off
    idena-go.exe --rpcaddr=[ip address] --profile=lowpower
    timeout /t 5
    goto start 

  8. Double-click on the run.bat that you just created. It will run a node in a console
  9. Open C:\Users\[USER]\AppData\Roaming\Idena\Node\datatir\api.key as a text and copy its content (API KEY)
  10. Now go back to the client app and in the Node settings, turn on Connect to remote node and enter http://[ip address]:9009 (replace ip address with the IP from step 4) as node address, enter Node API key from the step before and click Save

  11. In the top left corner of the client, you should see that status is not offline anymore. If that is the case, you successfully configured a node
  12. Close the client app (Right-click on the idena in the status bar and Quit)

Things to do on the computer from which you want to access 

  1. Download idena client with built-in node and install it
  2. Open the client app and in the Node settings Turn on Connect to remote node
  3. Enter IP and Node API key as you did when we tested if the node is installed properly and click Save
  4. You should see that status in the top left corner is changed from Offline to Syncing or Synchronized
  5. You are successfully connected
Let me know if you have any questions, I will gladly help. Happy mining!


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